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Test tubes
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 30, 1999
One time, we were in Chemistry class watching potassium react with water, and the little ball of potassium jumped right out of the water and landed on this girl named Emily's head. Just thought I'd share.
Test tubes
what you know as km Posted Jun 1, 1999
Potassium's funny like that. Try not to ingest it.
Not my uncle
wingpig Posted Jun 8, 1999
Train it do dislike DNA or it'd eat him if it ever met him and if it could reach anything besides his shoes. Then again, anteaters are vicious bastards so train it do like him but not so much that it would want to eat or have sex with him.
Test tubes
what you know as km Posted Jun 8, 1999
Emily's head, by the way, is a ridiculously odd name for a little girl. Perhaps her name is in fact Emily Zed, which is also a rather silly name but at least bears some sort of resemblence to an actual name. Because I pity any child who has been raised getting called Emily's Head all the time.
Just saying.
Not my uncle
what you know as km Posted Jun 8, 1999
I wonder if there's a website out there on how to train your anteater not to have sex with Douglas Adams.
I'll bet there is.
If there isn't, I shall have to make one, I think. Only I'll need lots of help, because I don't actually know how to do that at all. I've never had an anteater... and certainly not a man-eating one. I mean, to me that would require that the anteater cease to be an anteater at all, and start being a maneater or something similarly relevant. But who's to say that anteaters really like ants anyway? I think they only eat them because they have such small mouths. (The eaters, not the ants.) I bet if you asked one, he'd say he hates ants.
Whoops... dropped my topic again. Somebody clean that up, would you? Er, and I apologize for everything preceding this line but below the bit where my name is, because whatever it is, I have the strangest feeling that it's in some way disturbing. I'm not going back to read it and find out, but I believe it I think.
Not my uncle??? or Science???
chinchilla Posted Jun 9, 1999
Ok, I've just red all the entrys, and I'm wondereing why dont we just get Ford Prefect to check the Original Hitchikers Guide to see if there is an article on traineing you anteater not to have sex with Dogalus Adams.
By the way, how did we get here from D A looking like someone's uncle?
Not my uncle??? or Science???
WhiteCrow Posted Jun 9, 1999
Im really upset now...My Uncle doesn't look like Douglas Adams,
Anthony Hopkins or Bob Hoskins....
He looks like an Aardvaark.
I need to lie down now as I have a slight swelling.
Not my uncle??? or Science???
what you know as km Posted Jun 9, 1999
I'll bet there is. We should ask him. Of course, every time I try the fordprefect message board now, it gives me H2G2, so I cannot help but wonder where it's got to. Of course it's understood that it was merely a little stunt thingy to get us all excited about H2G2, but that's not the point. I miss it.
Where's this Ford Prefect fellow? I demand that he look it up! But pleasantly, and with something like "if you don't mind, sir" at the end.
Test tubes
47318 - I am a number not a free man Posted Jul 2, 1999
I work with somebody who named their children Sydney & Charlotte (both girls). Unfortunately, everybody shortens their names to Syd & Charlie...
I also used to work with somebody named Matt P Green (think about it)
I think there ought to be a law against parents giving their children silly names...?
Test tubes
what you know as km Posted Jul 2, 1999
You think so? So do I. I do think you should have a look at this though:
Not my uncle??? or Science???
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted Jul 4, 1999
I reckon this was all my fault. I started the anteater, after all. By the way, Emily Zed has a twin called Annabelle. And their last name is even worse than "Zed". It's "Littleboy". Hehe.
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Test tubes
- 21: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 30, 1999)
- 22: what you know as km (Jun 1, 1999)
- 23: wingpig (Jun 8, 1999)
- 24: what you know as km (Jun 8, 1999)
- 25: what you know as km (Jun 8, 1999)
- 26: chinchilla (Jun 9, 1999)
- 27: WhiteCrow (Jun 9, 1999)
- 28: what you know as km (Jun 9, 1999)
- 29: 47318 - I am a number not a free man (Jul 2, 1999)
- 30: what you know as km (Jul 2, 1999)
- 31: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (Jul 4, 1999)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."