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My uncle
Angel (no. 32883) Started conversation Apr 30, 1999
If anyone's interested (I sincerely doubt it), Mr. Adams has an uncanny resemblance to my mother's brother. This is really true.
My uncle
what you know as km Posted May 1, 1999
May I humbly present the possibility that it is in fact your mother's brother who bears an uncanny resemblance to Mr. Douglas Adams?
...All right then, can I do it arrogantly?
Look, one way or another I'm going to do it, so you might as well just pick one and have done with it.
My uncle
Angel (no. 32883) Posted May 6, 1999
Your tone makes little difference to your point, which I humbly take on. In all fairness, Mr. Adams and my uncle share a resemblance...
Is that okay?
My uncle
what you know as km Posted May 6, 1999
Oh, the first way was okay. My tone makes little difference to my tone. I just write like that.
I've researched cures, but I'm generally diagnosed as a cynic and a generally snide sort of person.
Pay no attention. Perhaps you are in fact the niece of Douglas Adams, only nobody's seen fit to let on.
My uncle
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 14, 1999
Or maybe it wasn't anyone's uncle. Maybe it was your aunt. Maybe it was your pet ant. Maybe your pet anteater. Maybe now that you've said it (oh, oops, it was me) your pet anteater will come to eat Douglas Adams and destroy the last sane being on Earth. NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! (Hysterical screaming and sobbing - also some crying and odd-face making.) You are terrible people! You have allowed your pet anteater to eat Douglas Adams! I will report you to the, erm, the RSPCDA for that. Okay, now that's all sorted out, let's have a cuppa. Hugz, (Insanie) Zanie Janie (aged 14)
Not my uncle
what you know as km Posted May 17, 1999
This has very little to do with the conversation at hand, but then again so does the post to which it is in response, so in a twisted sort of way I'm right on topic.
I think if I had a pet anteater, I would train it to like Douglas Adams.
Only it hasn't worked with my cat, so I don't know that it would work with an anteater. Are anteaters particularly receptive to training?
It's not that my cat dislikes Douglas Adams. It's just that she's small, and she doesn't read very well, and she can't understand. She really likes to take things though. Anything. She's just a complete crook. So maybe on a subconscious level she does understand. I always thought she was particularly fond of the Zaphod character.
Well! Thank you for helping me to sort that out, Janie.
Not my uncle
Kzin Posted May 18, 1999
"It's not that my cat dislikes Douglas Adams. It's just that she's small, and she doesn't read very well, and she can't understand. "
She told me that she only pretends just to annoy you. She says she owes you a very LOT of annoyances, and wants to get them all in as soon as possible so she can relax.
Kzin (cat therapist)
Not my uncle
chinchilla Posted May 18, 1999
Aren't we getting rather confused here????
If Doglas Adams does look like anyone, do we have to fight over who it is in relation to us?
After all if he's that famous then we all want to have him as our relative.
Not my uncle
what you know as km Posted May 18, 1999
She owes me more annoyance than she can possibly muster in her lifetime, I expect.
Poor kitty. She doesn't really deserve to have to live with me... but it'll all be worth it, 'cause I'm gonna make her a star.
Yes, but...
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 21, 1999
Yes, but we still haven't got over the fact that Douglas Adams was eaten by your pet anteater, have we? My cat tried to eat a daddy-long-legs last night but she didn't manage. My cat is all round like a rolly ball. Maybe my cat is Douglas Adams in disguise! Hmm... this could actually make sense. I shouldn't have said it. Sorry! Love, Janie (14)
Yes, but...
what you know as km Posted May 23, 1999
Well, yes. In fact, I'm completely over it. If I had a man-eating anteater, I can't think of anyone... you know, it's not the thing about my not having a man-eating anteater that makes this all so stupid. Shouldn't have taken me this long to notice. But as it has, I'm not going to tell anybody else, because just now I accidentally made it really obvious. And so I'm not going to discuss it any further!
Yes, but...
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 24, 1999
Arrr. Okay then. Maybe you should get one, and then everything would make sense.
Yes, but...
what you know as km Posted May 24, 1999
Because... well, that's part of the fun, right there, the bit I'm not going to tell.
What did I start?!
Angel (no. 32883) Posted May 25, 1999
I thought my entry was jolly dull (but I did it anyway) now look at the confusion and angst I have caused to the animal kingdom at large (and the feline and aardvarkian members imparticular)
If my uncle were Douglas Adams, I'm sure I would have been told. My mother is also a hhgttg fan. And besides my uncle does not appreciate my surreal humour one bit. He cannot possibly be DA.
As for wanting famous people for relatives, I think I'll stick with what I've got. My mother would say that having DA in my genepool would explain a lot, but she'd be wrong. I think.
Anyway. Apologies to people and peoples cats etc...
Smaug reckons DA looks like Rick Stein. Personally I fear to comment.
Other resemblances at
What did I start?!
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 25, 1999
I only have one famous person as a relative and I have never even met him (although I did get a signed pic from his mother!). He is Anthony Hopkins.
What did I start?!
what you know as km Posted May 25, 1999
What's special about his mother's autograph?
Anthony Hopkins
Angel (no. 32883) Posted May 26, 1999
Well if you're going to have a celebrated relative, you could do a lot worse than Anthony Hopkins. He is jolly jolly good at his job!
Anthony Hopkins
what you know as km Posted May 26, 1999
Yes, he is, but I like Bob Hoskins better. I suppose that's how you spell him. It doesn't look right all of a sudden. Anyway, they rhyme, so they bear comparison.
Anthony Hopkins
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 27, 1999
I didn't get his mother's autograph. His mother gave me a picture of HIM that HE signed. I think "Hopkins" is a funny name. It reminds me of rabbits.
Anthony Hopkins
Kzin Posted May 30, 1999
"I didn't get his mother's autograph. His mother gave me a picture of HIM that HE signed. " (IZJanie)
That's a shame because once the Estrogen Party rules the world, his mum's autograph will be worth lots more than Sir Anthony's for her being the nurturing vessel that brought a great talent to life's fruition...
That is, of course, unless we switch over to cloning and test-tubing our offspring. Then it's anybody's game.
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My uncle
- 1: Angel (no. 32883) (Apr 30, 1999)
- 2: what you know as km (May 1, 1999)
- 3: Angel (no. 32883) (May 6, 1999)
- 4: what you know as km (May 6, 1999)
- 5: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 14, 1999)
- 6: what you know as km (May 17, 1999)
- 7: Kzin (May 18, 1999)
- 8: chinchilla (May 18, 1999)
- 9: what you know as km (May 18, 1999)
- 10: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 21, 1999)
- 11: what you know as km (May 23, 1999)
- 12: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 24, 1999)
- 13: what you know as km (May 24, 1999)
- 14: Angel (no. 32883) (May 25, 1999)
- 15: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 25, 1999)
- 16: what you know as km (May 25, 1999)
- 17: Angel (no. 32883) (May 26, 1999)
- 18: what you know as km (May 26, 1999)
- 19: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 27, 1999)
- 20: Kzin (May 30, 1999)
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