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halavana Started conversation May 29, 2001
How ironic to be informed of Douglas Adams' death by a cartoon on the comics page, but then laughter and tears frequently do go together. In the words of "Get Fuzzy," Douglas, so long and thanks for all the laughs. You will be missed. 42.
Ceryle Posted May 30, 2001
Almost all of the comics I read onlne have had a tribute to Douglas Adams - UserFriendly, SillyCone V, GPF etc (I can't think of them all now). DustPuppy said it best "I thought he only made people laugh and smile, not really, really sad". I was saddened to hear of the loss. My feelings go to his family
Cyberlemming - Zaphodista - U178564 Posted May 30, 2001
My condolences, too, go out to all who felt the loss - especially his family and friends.
Douglas, may your gods go with you.
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