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Heart broken...
fe_mailnik Started conversation May 15, 2001
I was truely heart broken to hear of DNA's death last week. I've been a regular in the forums of his own site for a couple of years and the truth hasn't yet sunk in that no one will ever again feel the joy of being the first to reply to one of Douglas' postings or be lucky enough for him to answer one of their questions. I was lucky enough to have a single question answered by the man and for that I was eternally grateful - grateful that for one moment in time he knew that I existed. I never met douglas once but I dearly wanted to. Its so hard to find the right words to express yourself in times like this. I guess what I want to say is this - I never met Douglas but this feels so much like losing the dearest of friends, and I'm sure that thousands of others feel just like me world wide.
Goodbye Douglas, I'll really miss you but I'll never forget you.
Your memory will alays live on.
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Heart broken...
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."