This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

This one's for you

Post 1

Being Drunk

It isn't working, this Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.

i feel drunk. Like a glass of water.

C'mon Marvin. Let me buy you another.

This one's for you

Post 2

Being Drunk

Who wants to join me in a toast?

For all the words and laughs and planets and dimensions.

And bypasses.

This one's for you

Post 3


Make mine a cheese-flavoured one.

From white mice everywhere.

This one's for you

Post 4

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)


Raise your glasses.
smiley - ale
To Douglas Adams.


This one's for you

Post 5

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

To Douglas!
smiley - ale
Nah, won't cut it, I need a smiley - stiffdrink

Yesterday, I tried summarizing what the guy had meant to me... I've always felt I've been good with words, but this time I fell short. The impact his writings has had in my outlook on things is, well, exceptional...

To Douglas Adams!

This one's for you

Post 6


*raises smiley - stiffdrink* To Douglas: May you find along your journey that one needs neither the belief in nor the presence of a 'superior being' to find oneself raised to a higher plane of existence, and may you use your time as wisely there as you have done here.

'Nonniesmiley - rose

This one's for you

Post 7

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

Yeah I'd probably drink something stronger as well, but if you recall in the guide getting drunk on beer was an important precursor to being teleported somewhere. So it seemed appropriate.


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