This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

I wish I had a Babel Fish

Post 1


Then I'd process this sad news and hope it translated into something
we could understand.

Steve, off to find my tape of the TV Series...

I wish I had a Babel Fish

Post 2

Researcher 173634

Doesnt quite add up does it ?

Sadly my books are on loan to some one and my tapes are at home. Read a passage for me !



I wish I had a Babel Fish

Post 3


Well there's always the one on alta vista..
I'd put the link here but it's forbidden!

I wish I had a Babel Fish

Post 4

Rush That Speaks

You are, of course: kidding...
What, on the 'net, would be forbidden to the Guide?

The editors are obviously out to lunch...

Someone's taking the planet away; where are they taking it?

I wish I had a Babel Fish

Post 5


according to the house rules I'm not allowed to post URLS in conversations-only in articles.. Ah well it's not hard to find anyways

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