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Rrrrrr POW!

Post 1

what you know as km

Helloooooo Greg, what's new?

Rrrrrr POW!

Post 2


Yet another that was hidden away! I have you now!

Either you were less creative at the beginning or you just
hadn't got on a roll yet, but this one lacks the pizzazz of all the rest. I think you should apologise to Greg now, KM. smiley - winkeye

Rrrrrr POW!

Post 3


I haven't the slightest idea what you're going on about there J. Why does she need to apologize?

Rrrrrr POW!

Post 4

what you know as km

I didn't ask what was new interestingly enough.

Though I think it's because when I wrote that, I wanted to know what was new, so I asked what was new.

When I got to the others, I had already asked what was new (here) so I couldn't use that line again.

So technically this is sort of... the original, so to speak.

So there.

Rrrrrr POW!

Post 5



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