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Offers in the region of how much!?

Post 1


I suppose it had to happen eventually, what with our crazy house price inflation.

My local estate agent has advertised its first million pound house -

Admittedly it's a very nice house, but I do know of some downsides that won't be included in the details.

- It might be beautifully concealed from the road, but it is bloody busy road. It's the point where two lanes become one on the second busiest route into Brighton. There are two really complicated T-junctions at that point, and it's an all around nasty bit of work - hard acceleration, hard breaking, jumping the lights, posession is twn tenths of the law, that sort of thing. And into this melee, are the entry and exit to this sedate crescent.

- Within 50 yards is the front door to a large University halls of residence. There are students from Brighton University trolling up and down that area at all times of day and night, generally making a right racket and nasty mess.

- You've got me living 4 streets back from you, up the hill smiley - monster

Offers in the region of how much!?

Post 2


Could be worse, there was a print article I read the other week about the UK's first £1 million 1 bed flat (I guess you call it an apartment when ya paying that much) in Belgravia smiley - erm

Offers in the region of how much!?

Post 3


After posting this I did a bit of searching for pricey houses in the Brighton area. There is one wonderful 4 floor Georgian terrace on the seafront that's going for three-million quid smiley - bigeyes

It's also three doors down from a notorious bail hostel smiley - tongueout

Offers in the region of how much!?

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

If the tag is a reflection of your peeping Tom activities I reckon you should get yourself an agent and negotiate for a percentage of the final selling price smiley - winkeye

Offers in the region of how much!?

Post 5


House prices smiley - sadface Have spent this afternoon driving round the outskirts of Cambridge trying to find an area where we could accomodate two grown-ups and two moggies, catch a bus into town and eat every day...!

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