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Old Keys

Post 21



Would that involve taking out the other outhouse as well? And what about that tree that I kept almost backing into?

Old Keys

Post 22

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Well in my head it would be a rebuild of the other outhouse - the brickwork on some of it is lovely - I am not sure about the apple tree - its wonderful but in the way. This year is has not had many apples either. I would like the building to be on that side of the space so that you can maximise the space and have soemwhere to park that is out of site of the road.

However since I am not relly living there at the moment, and may well not be for a while, this is not exactly a prioriry

Old Keys

Post 23


Yes definitely sounds smiley - cool <- properly spelled this time smiley - blush

Still working up in Brum all the time then are we? So no chance of getting back to the cottage smiley - erm

Old Keys

Post 24

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Thats the one! There was a fuller explaination on an email I was about to send you when the computer had other ideas!

Its nice to see my methodology for spelling has started to get you!

Old Keys

Post 25


"Its nice to see my methodology for spelling has started to get you!"

smiley - tongueout

Old Keys

Post 26

Lighthousegirl - back on board

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