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Biggles rides again

Post 21

Mu Beta

Ah - now where exactly can I get a job like yours?


Biggles rides again

Post 22


"I've never used clairvoyance as an excuse for being late."

With the increasing trend towards mysticism of all kinds, I predict that it will soon become as valid as an actual accident or breakdown. smiley - silly

Biggles rides again

Post 23


I probably forgot to mention that I rarely leave the office before 6:30pm, and more usually much later than that.

Management are quite happy with the situation. We've got a couple of really early starters, and together with me as the late finisher, they know they have office cover for at least 11 hours of the day.

Biggles rides again

Post 24

Uncle Heavy [sic]

im working for the nhs now. yeah. we are as brothers. i get to transport decrepit old people from ward to x ray and back. yay for catheter bags!

Biggles rides again

Post 25

Mu Beta

My point exactly, Desk. I work best after 5pm. At one highlight of my most recent project, me and another guy were brainstorming at 8:30 with a Chinese takeaway, and still happy to keep working.

Flexi-time appears to be a thing of the past. smiley - sadface


Biggles rides again

Post 26


One of the beauties of my contract is that it makes no mention of the hours of work. Only that you will put in the time necessary to successfully carry out your duties (otherwise you get fired). The upshot is that I work when, where and how I like without too much interference from management.

Oh and Unc. Catheter bags, yours for about a quid a shot smiley - ok

Biggles rides again

Post 27

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i have more than enough full ones on my shift mate...

Biggles rides again

Post 28


All you need do is unplug them, and switch them around when the drip is empty smiley - ok

Biggles rides again

Post 29

Uncle Heavy [sic]

'excuse me sir, while i bend down and unhook this tube'

Biggles rides again

Post 30

Mu Beta

Somebody's been watching too much Simpsons. smiley - tongueout


Biggles rides again

Post 31

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles *

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