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Are the BBC at it again?

Post 1


...sounds more like handbags at 10 paces to me smiley - winkeye

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 2

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

Very strange... I am reminded of the aftermath of something called 'Super 12', where players go to after match functions, get p*ssed, go to pubs, get schickered even worse, and fight members of the public! smiley - aliensmile

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 3


Well, I'm glad to see that the cops let you go, GD. I'd hate you to miss today's game. smiley - winkeye

And Cardiff fans fighting - well, there's a surprise. smiley - bigeyes I was watching the Second Division play-off final yesterday at the 'City Gent' fanzine end-of-season party, and we were all rooting for QPR. Unfortunately, we're stuck with the Bluebirds bringing their neck tattoos and shoulder chips to Valley Parade next season. smiley - groan

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 4


Yes I was hoping for a QPR victory, but maybe for rather different reasons to you - White City is a much easier commute than South Wales should an away fixture occur next season.

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 5



Are you so down on your Teams chances that you are planning next seasons division 1 away fixtures?smiley - winkeye

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 6


Not at all, I'm just doing a little forward planning. You see if it does all go wrong, I'm going to lose a number of away fixtures from my calendar next season.

Portsmouth, Brighton, Piggies and Wimbledon all out, and in exchange I would get West Ham.

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 7


What you mean that you won't go and see the Mighty Wombles of Milton Keynes? (Just doesn't have the same ring does it?)smiley - laugh

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 8


In retrospect I might. Going to the Wimbledon away fixture was one of the season's more surreal experiences. Especially as it was only two days after we'd played Palace!

Oh, and did you know now that they've moved to Milton Keynes they've lost the rights to their mascot. The guy who owns the rights has decided that he wants nothing to do with the relocated team smiley - laugh

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 9


I take it that you haven't gone to Cardiff today then, GD?

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 10


Couldn't get a ticket smiley - wah

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 11


Effing Black Country in-breds smiley - cross
... smiley - wah

* sulks *

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 12


Unlucky greydesk,

Guess it was just one of those days for your boys, obviously Wolves paid for their place with their stunning blowout last season.

Mind you even at 85 mins I still thought that Wolves could blow it.

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 13


The bottom line is they out played us in the first half. I can have no complaints about their goals, as our defence and midfield just weren't talking to one another. Aparently there were some blokes called Tonge, Curtis, Kozluk and Rankine playing today. I can't say I noticed them anywhere smiley - sadface

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 14


Hard luck, mate. smiley - sadface

At least you can still look down on the Piggies. smiley - bigeyes

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 15


Thanks smiley - hug

You're right about the Piggies of course. But now that we haven't got promotion and are stuck back where we started, we won't get the opportunity of giving them one of our 'special welcomes' at BTDBL next season smiley - erm

Are the BBC at it again?

Post 16


smiley - yikes ... BDTBL ... smiley - blush

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