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It's been a year now

Post 1


It's a year to the day since this happened - F63554?thread=593613

So what's it been like these last 12 months?

Absolutely fantastic, is the answer smiley - biggrin

I can't remember a time in my life, certainly not in recent years, when I've felt happier. Yes OK, so my take home pay for the year is probably only half what it was in the year before, plus I'm pretty sure I've got some confusing tax issues to sort out at some point. But I don't care about any of that, because every other aspect of my life is better than it was a year ago smiley - magic

It's been a year now

Post 2

Baron Grim

Sweeet. smiley - cheers

It's been a year now

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Y'know GD, that's pretty much the way I felt most days when I was self-employed. There really ain't much to beat working for yourself, particularly if you're working at something you really enjoy doing smiley - bigeyes I really have to find something I can do well enough to earn a living at it on my own account again.

It's been a year now

Post 4

I'm not really here

Excellent! Can you do it for me? smiley - laugh

It's been a year now

Post 5

Mu Beta

You give the number of your Line Manager and I'll have a go.


It's been a year now

Post 6



That's great, GD!

Noggin and I are now in the process of setting up our own on-line business and we are finding the work much more challenging and satisfying than any other times when we were employees. I reckon this sort of life wouldn't be for everyone as there is little in the way of 'job security'. So I think it basically comes down to personal priorities.

Anyhow, very pleased to hear that things have worked out for you this past year and you are much happier than before. smiley - ok


It's been a year now

Post 7

Mu Beta

Working Lunch have just had an article on people who are too idle to do their tax properly, so you're not alone. smiley - biggrin


It's been a year now

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cheersGD

*every other aspect of my life is better than it was a year ago*

So, what aren't you telling us?smiley - bigeyes

It's been a year now

Post 9


You've got a mind like a sewer you have smiley - tongueout

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