This is the Message Centre for Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]
Horay, for good news!
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Oct 17, 2011
I'm glad you're back and have some good news. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my thumbs pressed for them.
Horay, for good news!
Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary] Posted Oct 26, 2011
Somehow missed this while clearing away the backlog - sorry about that!
Anyway, thanks for writing me, and for the good wishes. I hope I can have more good news in the future.
Horay, for good news!
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Oct 26, 2011
That's OK, glad of the progress that has been made. I'm glad he can listen to music, that does a lot for helping to make neural connections as I understand it.
Do you like the new Front Page?
Have a great week.
Horay, for good news!
Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary] Posted Nov 2, 2011
I actually don't stop by the Front Page very much (my bookmark takes me directly to my PS), but I went and looked when you asked. And it seems quite good - like a lot of the site, it looks a lot like it always used to, which is a comfort to me, since I'm a creature of habit.
It does seem to have a bit of a graphic display problem (on Alabaster at least), where all the main blocks of text are in one column on the left, with a lot of blank space next to them on the right, but I'm sure that (a) this is not within your jurisdiction and (b) it's been noticed and is worked on already - the people behind the site have been absolutely wonderful in that aspect. So, nothing to bother you with...
Horay, for good news!
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Nov 2, 2011
Yeah we don't notice it in Brunel, I think that Pastey is still working on the format.
Any news on your cousin's progress? We are wishing him well.
Horay, for good news!
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Nov 2, 2011
Sorry to bug you, should have looked at Hardheaded first. It looks like progress is happening.
Horay, for good news!
Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary] Posted Nov 2, 2011
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Horay, for good news!
- 1: Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' (Oct 17, 2011)
- 2: Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary] (Oct 26, 2011)
- 3: Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' (Oct 26, 2011)
- 4: Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary] (Nov 2, 2011)
- 5: Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' (Nov 2, 2011)
- 6: Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' (Nov 2, 2011)
- 7: Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary] (Nov 2, 2011)
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