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Traffic Accident
Willem Started conversation Oct 23, 2019
I witnessed a traffic accident this afternoon while walking to the gym. At the corner of McDonald Avenue and another street (I forget which) as I prepared to cross the stop street I saw a white car coming charging towards me. I stopped and watched … it's a four-way stop so all cars from all sides need to stop, and that car's driver obviously didn't get the idea. He was coming at a big speed, it looked even faster than he's allowed to in town - 60 km/h is the general speed limit. I didn't see it at first but there was another car, a blue one, coming into the crossing from my side. That car should have stopped - I didn't see if it did - but of course ALSO coming into a four-way stop, you SHOULD make sure the other cars have stopped before you drive on. So: the white car charged into the crossing and I heard its brakes squeal and then it hit the blue car with a huge crashing sound. The noses of the cars collided at a 90-degree angle and the blue car went spinning coming to rest against the curb of McDonald Avenue on the opposite side. A woman was in it, air bags had deployed, the car was so damaged that the door wouldn't open easily but I helped her out. She was shocked of course but showed no signs of injury. The driver of the other car had got out as well and also seemed fine. The cars were both pretty messed up, though. Soon there was a crowd of people. I didn't have my phone so couldn't call the police but I gave the woman my phone number in case I was needed as a witness. I then went on to the gym.
This is the second most serious accident I've seen. The worst one was not far from there, where Grimm street crosses the highway to Tzaneen. A car there went over a red traffic light at huge speed, and crashed into another car whose driver didn't pay attention - and was killed in the collision.
So anyways just another caution, folks … be very attentive when driving!
Traffic Accident
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 23, 2019
Good advice.
Of course, there was no opportunity to drive more than 60 kph on our way home from the store, which is where we've just been...or anything near it. For a semirural area like this, bumper-to-bumper is unusual, but the highway works people have managed it.
If they don't get this road repair done soon, it will snow, and then there'll be a mess.
Traffic Accident
FWR Posted Oct 23, 2019
Not a nice experience, hope this hasn't shook you up too much. Take care folks
Traffic Accident
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 24, 2019
My sister and I are currently engaged in weekly trips across the Humber Bridge to our respective dental appointments. We see lots of incidents, drivers on mobile phones especially enrage us,
Take great care on the roads, (especially those on foot trying to cross said roads!)
Traffic Accident
Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. Posted Oct 24, 2019
Yes, take care all of you.
There are some idiots on the road these days. I just hope I am not one of them. (I think not).
I have seen a lot of near misses in the past few years (luckily they were misses), mostly due to aggressive driving styles (tailgating, overtaking on the wrong side, excessive speed (usually all three combined) running through the red light) Those are very bad for your blood pressure...
Traffic Accident
Willem Posted Oct 24, 2019
Hi folks! No this wasn't nearly as bad as seeing that guy get killed in front of my eyes. Though when the cars hit and the blue car went spinning I really feared whoever was inside would be seriously hurt … that's how the guy I saw died, the car went spinning and he got knocked and thrown around inside to the point of lethal injury. You know I cringe when I see any movie and the cars bash each other about like that, and then the characters are fine! I think in this case the air bags actually helped. The guy who died didn't have air bags in his car.
Yes I try to be attentive when walking, and also while driving, I've seen way too many people just charging over red lights and stop signs …
Traffic Accident
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Oct 25, 2019
post 1 - I was lucky!
Many aren't..
Traffic Accident
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Oct 25, 2019
Traffic Accident
Willem Posted Oct 27, 2019
Hi Prof! Yes I've read about that accident experience of yours. You're indeed lucky to have come out of it and able to tell the tale too!
Traffic Accident
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Oct 27, 2019
I look at it this way Willem! My time for NOT being able to bring smiles to folk wasn't due then
and I hope for a good extension
Traffic Accident
Willem Posted Oct 30, 2019
I'm hoping so too!
Worst accident I've been in was on a bicycle. A friend and I were charging down a road that was downhill for a long stretch so we saw how fast we could go. We managed a rather fearful speed. Somehow I must have hit something in the road. My bike made a somersault and I hit the tar head first. I can't actually remember anything from the fall itself. I only remember waking up in the road … it really was like waking up in bed only I was on the hard road and with a bloody head. Again somehow there wasn't a serious injury!
Traffic Accident
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Oct 30, 2019
Someone can have a nasty accident and basically "walk" away from it
Some! Can trip over etc and die from the resulting fall depending on the impact etc
No one knows (proverbially) what life "cards" are dealt to us- we just have to play the hand we have - either stack or bluff
My life cards have been crap as suchBut! I ain't stacked yet and never will
and I'm STILL in the game!
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Traffic Accident
- 1: Willem (Oct 23, 2019)
- 2: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 23, 2019)
- 3: FWR (Oct 23, 2019)
- 4: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 24, 2019)
- 5: Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. (Oct 24, 2019)
- 6: Willem (Oct 24, 2019)
- 7: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 25, 2019)
- 8: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Oct 25, 2019)
- 9: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 25, 2019)
- 10: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Oct 25, 2019)
- 11: Willem (Oct 27, 2019)
- 12: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Oct 27, 2019)
- 13: Willem (Oct 30, 2019)
- 14: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 30, 2019)
- 15: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Oct 30, 2019)
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