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Willem, here is a long report on the Capetown drought
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Apr 20, 2018
I thought you'd enjoy this. How is your health? Are the blood thinners helping?
Willem, here is a long report on the Capetown drought
Willem Posted Apr 23, 2018
Hi Elektra! Thanks for this, I want to read it ... at the mo I still have a lot of pain and can't sit in front of the computer for very long! It is getting better though, so I reckon the blood-thinners are working. Thanks for asking! Hope you're still in good health!
Willem, here is a long report on the Capetown drought
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Apr 24, 2018
I am hanging in there, thanks for asking. Our old black cat (23 years) died the other day but the farm has many new kitties one of which will provide Molly with a new companion.
Is there a way that you could arrange your computer station so that you could stand up while there? Our church secretary has hers fixed so she can stand which helps her with sciatica. That might help you. I am happy that you are in less pain.
Willem, here is a long report on the Capetown drought
Willem Posted Apr 24, 2018
Hi Elektra! Sorry to hear about the kitteh ... but that is indeed a fine old age for a cat to reach. Enjoy the new kittie!
My problem is quite different from sciatica! I've a blocked vein in my right leg so blood gets in but can't easily get out, so the leg swells up and hurts a lot. So I have to keep my leg as elevated as possible ... sitting is uncomfortable, what's best is for me to lie on my back with my foot elevated.
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Willem, here is a long report on the Capetown drought
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