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Willem, does South Africa have a botanical garden?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Sep 26, 2017
This item from BBC shows the importance of these in protecting plant diversity and the Southern hemisphere has too few:
Willem, does South Africa have a botanical garden?
Willem Posted Sep 27, 2017
Hello Elektra! We have several botanical gardens in South Africa. The main and oldest one is at Kirstenbosch in the Cape.
Here is a list of the current ones:
There's actually a new one opening here in the Venda region which would be the first in Limpopo province. I personally want to have my own botanical garden some day! I agree they can do enormously valuable plant conservation work.
Willem, does South Africa have a botanical garden?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Sep 28, 2017
Is that close to you (this venda) they'd be lucky to have you on staff! I think you impressed the experts! It is explorers like you who find the treasures and expand the field.
Willem, does South Africa have a botanical garden?
Willem Posted Sep 28, 2017
Venda is not that far ... it's about 100 miles to the north of where I live. I'd vastly prefer though if I can get one started here in Polokwane, this is after all the 'capital' of Limpopo. But I hope to be working along with the folks in Venda, I've already met and spoken to the guy who's going to be in charge.
Willem, does South Africa have a botanical garden?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Sep 28, 2017
I am excited we are going to have a 'Wild World of Animals' show here in Clarion on October 7th in front of the Courthouse, they are promising a European Eagle Owl, an albino monocle cobra, a binturong, a spot-nose guenon monkey, and an African spotted leopard or maybe a hyena. This is really exciting as we aren't very close to a big zoo.
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Willem, does South Africa have a botanical garden?
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