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Willem some sun and moon renditions by Indian artists
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Aug 20, 2017
In honour of tommorrow's eclipse:
Willem some sun and moon renditions by Indian artists
Willem Posted Aug 21, 2017
Hello Elektra! Thanks for that! Pity we can't see the eclipse over here...
Willem some sun and moon renditions by Indian artists
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Aug 22, 2017
Yes well they are rare across the US. It was something t see through our eclipse glasses and shadow box. D built a great one out of an
Amazon box bigger than the one Molly was in. It was just cool to be able to see something celestial with the naked eye. We got a wedding ring here because we didn't get totality but that color orange was very .
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Willem some sun and moon renditions by Indian artists
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