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How did you lifting competition go?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Aug 2, 2017
Did you enjoy it? Did you need to use liniment afterwards?
How did you lifting competition go?
Willem Posted Aug 7, 2017
Yay, I'm back on h2g2!
The contest was quite all right although I was disappointed in not matching the best lift I managed in preparation. I bench pressed 85 kg (I did 95 kg in the preparation) at 72.3 kg bodyweight ... in the competition itself I tried 95 kg twice but missed. I tied for third last (and one other guy fell out of the contest for not managing any of his three lifts) but I was the only lifter over 40 years of age. By age standards the 85 kg was actually quite a good lift! The heaviest lift was 160 kg, but the winner was a guy who pressed a bit over 125 kg while weighing in the low 60's.
There was no soreness whatsoever the next day.
I'll certainly do this again.
How did you lifting competition go?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Aug 7, 2017
Bravo--that sounds really good. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself----just don't overdo it. Those muscles and ligaments don't spring back to shape as easily when you are mature. A lot of American football players are in awful shape from all those concussions they get. I think PETA would stop the game if animals were involved.
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How did you lifting competition go?
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