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Willem, some lovely bird photos to brighten your day
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Jul 12, 2017
Check out the top 100m pics . Most of these are North American but there are few from Africa and Central America.
Willem, some lovely bird photos to brighten your day
Willem Posted Jul 13, 2017
Um, where's the link?
Willem, some lovely bird photos to brighten your day
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Jul 13, 2017
Sorry. here it is:
Please excuse my senior moment.
Willem, some lovely bird photos to brighten your day
Willem Posted Jul 15, 2017
Hi Elektra! Thanks! Quite a few African ones there. All of them are great!
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Willem, some lovely bird photos to brighten your day
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