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Cool new crab in India
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Apr 12, 2017
Check out this aboreal crab :
Cool new crab in India
Willem Posted Apr 13, 2017
Thanks a bunch Elektra! Very interesting news from the Western Ghats, a forest mountain ecosystem in dire need of protection.
Do you know about coconut crabs?
Cool new crab in India
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Apr 13, 2017
Do they use the shells of coconuts like hermit crabs? I don't know anything about them.
Cool new crab in India
Willem Posted Apr 15, 2017
Hi Elektra! They're actually related to hermit crabs, but don't use shells. They'reheavily armoured, they're in fact the largest terrestrial arthropods. They often climb coconut palms and are said to snip off the ripe fruits! But I can't find confirmation on that ...
Cool new crab in India
Willem Posted Apr 15, 2017
Here's a pic:
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Cool new crab in India
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