A Conversation for Life Beyond the Tube
Life... beyond!
shazzPRME Started conversation Jan 19, 2001
I like this
It is funny, but thought-provoking!
One thing... just write TV rather then T.V.
The editors don't like to overuse '.' s, and TV is one word which you can leave them out of
This is just the sort of article I like to put in 'The Post', the h2g2 online newspaper for which I am the managing editor (That's where the PRME comes from).
Would you allow me to use this in a future edition? You would get your name up in lights and maybe meet a lot more reseachers!
Let me know if you are interested!
Life... beyond!
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Jan 24, 2001
Hello once again shazz,
Sorry I didn't get back to you on this sooner, but I didn't know anyone had even read the article. I would be quite honoured if you would publish my article and am thrilled to know that you enjoyed it! I will make the necessary corrections ASAP and you can put it up whenever you like. I wrote it quite a long time ago (when I was just getting started) and came up with the idea after deciding that TV was dumb. I lived with out a TV for a while and then got another one only for watching movies, because I do like movies quite alot. I'm just objected to sitting down in front of the tube for an evening for "lack of something better to do." There's always something better to do.
Anyway, the main reason I like movies is cause it's a good way to put the moves on the honeys I like cuddling up by the fireplace (with a fire going in it) and drinking hot chocolate and watching a long boring movie under a nice, warm blanket. When the movie's boring it gives you a chance to get intimate every once in a while
Life... beyond!
shazzPRME Posted Jan 24, 2001
ROFL! I know just what you mean!
TV doesn't feature very big in my life either... but the video is a must as we are sci fi mad here and have a huge collection of movies and series to watch
I will use this in next week's edition then...
The Post clicks over at 1am GMT on a Tuesday morning... I think you are about 8 or 9 hours behind?
It has it's own personal h2g2 identity... just type in /thepost after the h2g2.com bit and you will be there
I see that you are a keen writer, so anything else you think may be good to publish, just drop in at my page or the Post Office!
Life... beyond!
An Intrepid Canadian Posted Apr 28, 2001
Hey there Shazz,
Remember me? I'm back! I don't spend too much time on the 'puter anymore, but I'm glad to see that the guide is back up and running! Anyway ... just sayin' "hey".
Life... beyond!
shazzPRME Posted Apr 29, 2001
Hi there
Good to see you made it back
Things were strange around here for a while, but all seems to have settled down pretty well now
The Guide disappeared before I could use your article in The Post, so I better put it in next week's edition!
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Life... beyond!
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