This is the Message Centre for Yael Smith

Back from Israel

Post 1

Yael Smith you never knew I left.
I went to see my parents and celebrate Rosh HaShana with my mum and her family. It was nice, it was hot, we had sand and sea and sun and I haven't missed work at all.

And now I'm back.

I've only really missed Michael, and he's now getting to stay home with little Maya, who's sick and miserable and has to take yucky antibiotics. At least she seems to relish the challenge of trying to spit as much of the meds into our eyes!smiley - biggrin I think I'll have to stay with her tomorrow. It will be good for my sanity.

Back from Israel

Post 2


I hope she's feeling better soon, Elly! I hate it when the kids are sick.

Back from Israel

Post 3

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Yay, welcome back and I hope she gets better soon.
smiley - vampire

Back from Israel

Post 4

Yael Smith

She seems better now, but like her mama has hay fever now, too. Ah, the joys of genetics...smiley - ill

Back from Israel

Post 5

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Hay fever is horrible. I'm lucky in that I only get it
when the summers are extremely hot and dry.
My boys suffer from it quite badly so
they have to takesmiley - antihystamines.
smiley - vampire

Back from Israel

Post 6

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - hug

Back from Israel

Post 7

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Looks like D's zooming through the threads
just like old times.
smiley - vampire

Back from Israel

Post 8

Yael Smith

Leaving smiley - hugs as she passes.smiley - biggrin

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