A Conversation for Games to Play In a Queue at a Supermarket Checkout

American Rules Checkout

Post 1


I don't think anyone'd really care over here but if you find yourself in America at all you could try the following...

Go into Walmart, Target or wherever and buy only the American flag and a box of matches. Put the matches on top of the folded flag while they go through the checkout, and leave a fair border of belt between your purchases and the dividers (see Checkout Chicken) either side. You score by accumulating stares from your fellow shoppers and shop-workers, and win by getting out without suffering physical injuiry.

If you feel like testing the diligence and patriotism of any fresh-faced checkout folks, go down the cake-making aisle and find all their little bottles of glycerine, then buy all of them. They may well be in a big cardboard tray used for stacking the shelves - just buy the whole thing. Careful with this one though as you might be asked to explain your shopping list to any interested authorities that may be called...

Oh well, my two suggestions. Interesting conversation this one, I linked here via Jimmy Saville.

American Rules Checkout

Post 2


I live in the US so I took a personal interest in this posting. If anyone out there is willing to listen to me, DON'T DO IT, unless you have a really good excuse. or you know how to smiley - wah uncontrolably or smiley - run faster than this guy <--.

American Rules Checkout

Post 3

zelda pinwheel, second cousin to Satchel Pooch

I live in the US myself and can't help wondering if you've tried this already and suffered the consequences... I personally wouldn't do it where I live (in the semi-rural southeast), but it might not get so much reaction in a major northern metropolitan area such as Detroit. A brave soul might try the two, just for the sake of comparison...

American Rules Checkout

Post 4

Danté - Member of the campaign to call our country Yes Man's Land!

An international variation : see what you can get through the till without being questioned:

A chainsaw, hockey mask and boiler suit.

a hundred boxes of tissues

a bottle of vodka, a dishcloth and a lighter.

as much asprin as you can carry.

American Rules Checkout

Post 5


A copy of any magazine aimed at prepubescent girls, and a box of tissues?

(Note: in certain parts of England this could get you killed)

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