This is the Message Centre for Beelzebub
Hell's Kitchen
Beelzebub Started conversation Jan 20, 2001
Hey, Welcome to my proverbial bar. Pull up a theoretical chair, order a pint of finest figurative fiery brew, and get philosophising with your fellow immortals... After all, everyone is immortal, metaphorically speaking. So, be you angel or demon, Mortal or Muse, enjoy.
Here, Have an . or how about some
or a
But remember your , or else you'll get a
of a
, so maybe it's better to stick to the
We also provide ,
. For special occasions, we are pleased to provide
Alas, we are not yet licensed to provide absinthe, because drinking it has the effect of taking you away with the
Hell's Kitchen
Beelzebub Posted Jan 24, 2001
one minus an absinthe smiley. i suggest a glass filled with smoking green liquid. obv.
Hell's Kitchen
teeheee Posted Mar 17, 2001
Ok. No absinthe. Smokin' green stuffs. OK...What abouts aftershock? Tequila? Methought hell was menna bee HOT man... Where's the warmness wivout the strongstuffs?
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Hell's Kitchen
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