This is the Message Centre for Intrepid 'Dave' The Intrepid Dave

Costa Rica

Post 1


Dear Intrepid 'Dave' The Intrepid Dave!!

Did you ever notice, that there is no entry about Costa Rica in the edited guide? Wouldn't it be graet to tell people something about the place you live now?? I would really admire it, because I plan to go there in autum...

Costa Rica

Post 2


jep! i wanna help!

i'm a german guy who's lucky enough to be here in san jose til at least december '01, and i'd be more han glad to help with some kinda guide entry - about C.R. or san jose or san pedro, but i guess i don't have the guts to do so by myself...

so: anybody who's here, too, let's team up (virtually or in real life) and do this!

just post here - i think i'll be notofied then.

have the appropiate amount of fun out there,


Costa Rica

Post 3


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOppppppppppppsssssssss, I've just spend 2 Months in CR, but unfortunately I forgot to check this entry before going there... I'm sorry.

What are you doing there anyway??


Costa Rica

Post 4


studying, working, founding companies...

i'm gonna stay til at least march - so let me know if you're still interested.


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