This is the Message Centre for MissERigby

Ah, look at all the lonely people...

Post 1

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Nowt wrong with being American. Most of my conversations here are with Americans. We just make jokes about each othersmiley - winkeye

Archaeologist? Wow! First here I've seen (apart from me, that is). You see, I've just applied to University to DO Archaeology, and I'm hoping to do a dig next summer, so THAT should be fun. It'll be nice to have a career in something mildly entertaining, and maybe I'll even find something!smiley - erm

An ACE will probably visit you later...

Ah, look at all the lonely people...

Post 2


Hi, good to hear from you. =) I've seen a couple other archaeologists on h2g2, though not many. I'd hardly call myself an archaeologist yet, I'm only a 3rd year student with 4 months experience on a dig. Will the dig for the summer be your first?

I'm on holiday break from school at the moment and I'm monumentally bored! Only my kitten is the most interesting thing in my life at the moment. =)

Ah, look at all the lonely people...

Post 3

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Sounds familiar...I'm back on Tuesday. I'm spending loads of time on the net, as there's nowt else to do. My cat also keeps me occupiedsmiley - winkeye

Yes, It'll be my first dig. I think I've found a fairly cheap one that gives fairly good training skills, but it IS in Surreysmiley - erm

Ah, look at all the lonely people...

Post 4


I hope you'll like your first dig. I know I had a blast last summer at mine.

This may sound like a naive question, but: What's wrong with Surrey? I have precious little knowledge of English geography. It seems, though, that you'll have the better end of the deal. Here, historic archaeology only goes back to 1600. You know, when the first white guys staked a permanent claim on what would be United States soil. To the English, 1600 is probably like digging through last week's trash. =P

Ah, look at all the lonely people...

Post 5

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

The soil's good in Surrey. However, it is known for its *coughs embarrassedly* 'dull nightlife'

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