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Where is the AWW?

Post 1

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

I couldn't find a link or a mention of it on the new front page. I did a search using various alternative spellings and upper+lower case variations...no joy, no joy at all.
Hootoo has always (for me) been a notoriously hard website to navigate and some things don't seem to change in this regard (for me).

I'm guessing that someone will reply with a link which I'll be thankful for but that begs the obvious question: Why isn't it on the front page?
Or have I been away for too long and the AWW isn't here anymore?

Where is the AWW?

Post 2

psychocandy-moderation team leader

The AWW is here: A608799 . There are a number of recent entries, and responses, some of which are really entertaining reads. Hopefully this at least meets your immediate need.

If it's of any help to know, I navigated there from the Front Page by clicking the "How to Contribute" tab (two tabs to the right of the "Front Page" tab), then following the link to the Writing Guidelines. There's a link to the AWW there.

As to why it's not directly to the Front Page, I'm not sure I know the answer, but either I'll get back to you soon, or someone else will do so. smiley - smiley

Where is the AWW?

Post 3

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Thanks for that info.

Would be good to see a clear and easy way to get to it as any new members are not going to find it I'm thinking, same goes for the UG; nothing on the front page to alert you to it.

You really shouldn't be getting this response: **Your search returned no results, please try to widen your search.** when you type in the search function...AWW or aww.
Even typing in, 'alternative writing workshop' wont take you to it and thats just plain silly don't you think?

Where is the AWW?

Post 4

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I believe that a number of pages are going to be accessed through tabs, as opposed to linked directly from the Front Page, and there was a very good technical reason behind that.

I just can't remember exact details, and have been unable to find them in my notes as of yet. smiley - sorry

User feedback is very important and helpful, and I've pointed the folks who work on the Front Page toward this thread.

Where is the AWW?

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

FWIW, though, if I type "alternative writing workshop" into the search box, it does return several results, including pages associated with the AWW, if not the actual entry itself. Are you searching for both Approved and unapproved entries?

Where is the AWW?

Post 6

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

No I'm not and I too got those results with the top result having 6% relevance to the query.

I was trying to show some people the AWW and UG, take them for a walk through if you will but it was an onerous task really and the comment was that it's not a very lineal site, hardly intuitive but I did kind of leap to it's defence and say that it's a fun site once you work out where everything issmiley - ermsmiley - erm

Still it is what it is and change can be in the eye of the beholder can't it and lots of people here like the way it is now.

Where is the AWW?

Post 7

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Regarding the UG, that was a hugely successful researcher initiative that ran 2003-2009. It had gone dormant some time before the BBC sold h2g2 to Not Panicking Ltd. Creative writing which used to appear in the UG is now published in the Post.

As for why the AWW is not linked directly to the How to Contribute tab, you've raised a very good point. We have been updating Help Pages and have asked the folks who've been working on that project if they might add that link. smiley - cheers

Regarding use of tabs instead of linking directly to the FP, there are technical reasons for this, I just don't have the exact reasons to hand at the moment.

As a long-time contributor to the UG, we do hope that you'll continue to contribute, whether to AWW or the Post, or both!

Where is the AWW?

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hi, Keith! Elektra hollered, 'Keith's looking for the AWW.'

I'm glad somebody gave you the A-number. I could NEVER find the AWW, not even under the old regime. smiley - laugh

Maybe we can figure out how to get a direct link to the AWW on the FP. We should - a lot of fun conversations get started there, and it makes for good reading. smiley - smiley

But psychocandy's right - the UG, alas, is no more. On the other hand, the Post is huge, and ever on the lookout for prose and poetry. I've just loaded this week's issue, so I know whereof I speak. smiley - whistle

Check it out. We are hoping for more Christmas anecdotes this month. Also check out the Create tab - Create provides monthly initiatives to get people started writing in all areas.

Where is the AWW?

Post 9

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Thank you P/Candy for the info. I didn't realise the UG was gone but thats nothing new for me(lol).

The AWW should be on the front page not in the how to contribute button as it would garner new blood I reckon if it was a simple one click an your there thing.

But thanks again and you also Dmitrismiley - smiley

Where is the AWW?

Post 10

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm always glad to be of at least a small help. smiley - smiley

And I really *do* hope to see some more of your contributions in the near future, perhaps in the Post?

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