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Scavengers - making them 'official'?

Post 1


Dear Italics

F48874?thread=5979564 in particular Post 10.

Any chance of it happening? smiley - smiley

Matt smiley - elf

Scavengers - making them 'official'?

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

Sounds like a good idea to us. We'll email all relevant parties a bit later in-house. smiley - ok

Scavengers - making them 'official'?

Post 3

Icy North

I think it's a good idea, too.

I haven't really got into the Flea Market - I have too many wacky ideas already on the go - but this sounds like a good way to recognise all the unsung heroes who do.

Scavengers - making them 'official'?

Post 4


Thanks smiley - smiley

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