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more user friendly filing system

Post 1


how about using a internet history expand-collapse system instead of click link click link click link click link click link click link click link?

p.s. my inspiration came from seeing how clogged up your history can get from visiting just a few articles.

more user friendly filing system

Post 2


i am also worried by the lack of bold, italics and underline formatting.

more user friendly filing system

Post 3

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Can't have italics as the slanty ones use them to show they are management type people here.
It adds a bit of gravity to telling offs and helps to identify editors, etc for what they are.

more user friendly filing system

Post 4

psychocandy-moderation team leader

But you can use italics in GuideML for certain- I have done on my PS in the past. Not sure about bold or underline, but I imagine those are perfectly usable in GuideML as well.

more user friendly filing system

Post 5


i'm new and haven't really looked into GuideML

more user friendly filing system

Post 6

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Welcome- I hope you've been enjoying your time here.

There's an official help page called the GuideML Clinic at A187229, which was very helpful to me.

You can't use GuideML in conversation posts, but you can use it on your Personal Space to make it more interesting, and also in Guide Entries, should you be inclined to write one once you've settled in a bit.

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