A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

Waiting for Godot

Post 1


I have submitted several entries, the earliets being ten weeks ago.

None have been reviewed, so I cannot submit any more - with no feedback, I could be completely inappropriate, wasting your time and mine. Who knows?

If all entries wait ten weeks+ for review, then H2G2 is going to rapidly lose any researcher with a life.

If there is some 'shortcut' to avoid one's entries being ignored, please be good enough to share it, with all of us.

If there's a problem with shortage of volunteers, etc., why not share that, too.

To me, H2G2 is a black hole. Am I alone?

Waiting for Godot

Post 2


Nope, I'm afraid you aren't alone... currently, waiting time is around fifteen weeks - but it *is* falling as we recruit more sub-eds.

However, there are a lot of people who will be willing to give you feedback on your articles... in fact, I'll head down to your page now and have a look at 'em for you smiley - smiley.

If you'd like to volunteer to become a sub-editor, that's great - it's hard work, but it's worthwhile, and we need all the help we can get right now (the entry queue's *massive*, about 1000 articles). Head on down to 'the h2g2 team' (on the front page) and I believe there's a link from there.


Waiting for Godot

Post 3


Thank you - I thought I'd have to wait a few weeks for a reply smiley - smiley

And very constructive too!

Waiting for Godot

Post 4


Glad I could help...

I've posted a fairly detailed commentary on your article about Nursing, and I'll take a good look at your other three submitted articles when I get a chance.

As much as we'd love to see the entry queue decrease in length, we really do appreciate the people who continue to fill it up with interesting and informative articles smiley - smiley.


Waiting for Godot

Post 5


We are really trying to get our editing system streamlined so our researchers don't have to wait so darn long. The huge influx of new researchers means a huge list of items waiting to be edited. Please don't be discouraged. We're getting faster every day.

Waiting for Godot

Post 6


Yep! Several major causes of delay have now been found and made to promise to send their batches back quicker smiley - smiley.


Waiting for Godot

Post 7


We've employed new in-house staff to sort out the back-log, we're hiring more Sub-editors. We're trying really hard to speed up the queue. We're sorry that you've had to wait to have your entries looked at; we really appreciate your contribution to the Guide.

We've recently been working hard to introduce categorisation, which really shows how diverse and interesting the existing Guide entries are.

So Quagga, please do continue to write for us, I promise that we'll plug the black hole ASAP!

Waiting for Godot

Post 8

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

er...ah...there is actually a place in h2g2 to go whilst Waiting for Godot

Although you might prefer something with more, ummm... 'substance' and it was *sob* rejected as an Approved Guide Entry. HA! I knew someday it would be needed...
smiley - winkeye


Waiting for Godot

Post 9


Perhaps you should have said "still waiting"... But thanks for the reference smiley - winkeye

Waiting for Godot

Post 10


Quite apart from waiting for edits I find that the site loads too slowly. I don't know if it is your equipment or the nature of your site but I don't know another one that takes so long for start-up

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