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researcher pages - links to guide articles

Post 1


I'm sure this has come up before, but what the heck...

Why not move the list of "Approved Guide Entries" from the bottom of a researcher's personal page to the right-hand side navbar? It would have much better visibility, there.

And a link from Guide Entries for "Read more by this author" would be cool, too. So far, searching on author names with the regular guide-search hasn't proven itself as an effective way to find articles by specific authors.

My unasked-for $.02

researcher pages - links to guide articles

Post 2

Bald Bloke

The link to find other things by the same reasearcher is already there but is a two or three step process just jump to their user page via the name link in the article and then have a root around at the bottom of their home page to see previous entries.

Most of the time the unapproved entries are more fun than the approved ones, they don't have to meet the guide submission standards.

Thats how I find most of the un-advertised entries that interest me.

I think putting the link to a researchers entries in the right hand margin is a good idea, but what would it do to the user page of people like Deamon Drawer, who have loads of entries, their pages would end up miles long.

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researcher pages - links to guide articles

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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