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Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 1


Dear Eds,

Notice you're subbing this in-house. Just thought you'd like to know a nice little factoid about the Funnel-web.

Its fangs are pretty impressive, but due to nature's design they actually only curve downwards, so the spider can only bite in a downwards fashion - that is be above the victims skin. Therefore, it is actually quite safe to step on the little buggers with bare feet, because they won't actually be able to inject their venom UP!

Oh, and you could link to the now Edited Entry on Huntsmen smiley - winkeye

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 2

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

But what if it was lying on its back when you stepped on it? Then it would be biting downwards in a sense...

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 3


Believe me, if a funnel-web is laying on its back, it's dead. They only ever run about and stand on six legs with their front two waving about like lobsters claws any other time. Or if they're hiding in their hole. *shudders* evil smiley - bleep things.

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

OK Matt, I've added what you've said and linked to the Hunstman entry. I've also added some more factual info to beef the entry up a bit. I'm still laughing at the 'indictable offence' comment. smiley - biggrin

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 5


It's a great Entry! smiley - laugh Looks grand now too smiley - biggrin

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 6


oh, and that's true. We take beer very seriously us Aussies. VERY seriously.

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 7


smiley - whistle

Here's another link that might be fun to add at the 'average tourist' bit in the final paragraph - A375563 Stories to Scare Tourists in Australia

Cheeky ain't I? smiley - winkeye

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 8

The H2G2 Editors

Done smiley - ok

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Your quote's on the FP, Mattsmiley - ok

Funnel-Web Entry in the Coming Up Queue

Post 10


Sorry, I was busy having a smiley - ale? What?


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