A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

EF A13880900 Elimbah Village, Queensland, Australia

Post 1

aka Bel - A87832164


Why does this say: 'Written and researched by: The h2g2 Editors; Montague Trout'? I read the PR thread and didn't find any indication that they were involved in this?

EF A13880900 Elimbah Village, Queensland, Australia

Post 2


Bah those pesky editors were trying to work their way up to a badge again!

No...absolutely no idea, unless MT added it? Anyway, removed it now. Thanks! smiley - cheers

EF A13880900 Elimbah Village, Queensland, Australia

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

That's shocking, especially when you think they could award themselves any badge they wanted to by bribing each other with smiley - tea. Notice how apologetic they are when caught out?

EF A13880900 Elimbah Village, Queensland, Australia

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

With all those glitches we're having since the big crash, I'm not really surprised about anything, so thought I'd rather ask.
smiley - cheers, Antelia smiley - smiley

EF A13880900 Elimbah Village, Queensland, Australia

Post 5

The H2G2 Editors

Pah foiled again! smiley - cross

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