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Post 1


Re - the recent DNA upgrade and several questions...

Personal Spaces - Community members will have one Personal Space for each of the communities that they participate in. The text of each of your Personal Spaces will initially be identical, but you can edit each of your personal spaces individually, so that they reflect your interest in that particular community. For instance, on your h2g2 space you might wish to show your h2g2 interests, but on your Collective space list your favourite films or artists. If you have only joined or posted to one full DNA community, you will only have one Personal Space.
Does this mean the tag is now redundant?
smiley - ale

- Your conversation list (and article/review/campaign lists) will still be listed on all of your Personal Spaces, in exactly the same way that they are now.
Erm - I beg to differ - when I look at


The conversations appear to be missing - until you click on the link to take you to the appropriate MP page
smiley - ale

smiley - grovel
Do you _really_ have to close done announcement threads as soon as you post to them... The fact that other people post to them has two advantages...
Firstly - I could have posted this question directly to the thread in question, and secondly, people posting on the threads keeps them at the top of everyone's conversation list for longer - if you post an announcement on a busy day in PR and AskH2G2 then an awful lot of people risk missing it completely.

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