A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

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Post 1


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I just did read your reply about the album "a hard days night".

Makes a lot of sense. The language (I'm always messing with passed and future) aswell as factual knowledge while not becoming sectarian.

There should be a new sect for those people smiley - smiley

Greetings from Amsterdam

Contact the h2g2 Editors

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Hello Alfredo - it's my joint-favourite Beatles album and was the first one I owned a copy of.

And greetings back from West London smiley - smiley


Contact the h2g2 Editors

Post 3


Well, I just looked at my private selection at my cd and found four songs of A.H.D.N.

any time at all

I'll cry instead

Things we said today

I'll be back again

sheer joy, tender teenage love, close harmonies,etc.

It's still hot, very hot over here.

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