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Medical Conditions, Procedures & Prevention: suggested groupings?

Post 1


I hope this is the right place to suggest this. I found the Medical Conditions, Procedures & Prevention part of the Life: Health and Healing section a bit confused to look through.

I was thinking that it would be better organised if the mood/depressive disorders entries (e.g. bipolar disorder or 'manic depression', overcoming depression, depression and college students and teenage depression) were grouped.


Group: jet lag, sleep, sleep paralysis, sleep walking, resless leg syndrom, adult sleep aponea under SLEEP and ITS DISORDERS.

Group: Post-traumatic stress related triggers, Obsessive compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders anxiety and phobia and hypochondia, etc under ANXIETY DISORDERS

Group: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa under, say EATING DISORDERS.

There could also be a WOMEN subsection.

smiley - smiley

Medical Conditions, Procedures & Prevention: suggested groupings?

Post 2

Not him

Could you post a link to the entry? It makes navigation a little quicker!

You might even consider making a copy of the entry, altered as you suggest, and putting it either through the update forum, or posting a link here. We are here to help: let us know if you have any questions.

Medical Conditions, Procedures & Prevention: suggested groupings?

Post 3



erm, how do I make a copy to change it?

Medical Conditions, Procedures & Prevention: suggested groupings?

Post 4

Not him

Ah, I see. It's not an entry, it's the index tree you want changing. Better wait for one of the Editors.

Medical Conditions, Procedures & Prevention: suggested groupings?

Post 5


smiley - ok

The narcolepsy entry could go under 'sleep and its disorders' too.

Medical Conditions, Procedures & Prevention: suggested groupings?

Post 6

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Okay, I'll take a look at these - they seem sound to me. smiley - cheers

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