A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

Chat rooms

Post 1

Blood Angel

I think a chatroom should be included on the site somewhere.Then you could get information by just asking someone.

Chat rooms

Post 2

Blood Angel

What r your views?

Chat rooms

Post 3

Zach Garland

I think the guide should offer free Bovril sandwiches to all participants. Field research is making me hungry.

I also think we could use one of the many already established chat room thingies on the 'Net. No need to bother the nice H2G2 about it.

There's IRC, ICQ, Yahoo Clubs. In fact, let me go make a Yahoo Club real quick. I'll be right back.


Okay. I'm still fixing it up but it's at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/h2g2 so come on over and sign up. If you can use h2g2.com you should be able to take advantage of a yahoo club. It only needs a java saavy web browser. So people who haven't downloaded ICQ or IRC programs can still participate.

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