This is the Message Centre for .

HI again,

Post 1


Your space looks cool, a lot of moving stuff - and I especially like the drop down bar of your friends space.

I'm still trying to get round to reading your twins work.

Bye for now

HI again,

Post 2


Thanks. I meant to put you on the drop-down menu except I didn't know your user number.

Well done on becoming a scout.

Did you get the e-mail I sent you on twins and hypnotism?

One day I''ll write all the other twins stuff.

I've got a recommended entry!

HI again,

Post 3


my user number is u133933 - what is the address for your entry? I'm intrigued to read it.

I did get your email, although didn't get time to reply - sorry.

HI again,

Post 4


I thought it was something like that, but wasn't sure. I'll put you in one day.

The entry is at, I think.

I'm adding more badly written stuff to my twins entry.

HI again,

Post 5


OOooops - that entry has been hidden apparently. Have a look at it, or re-edit it - not sure why though.

I saw your latest edition that was sent to PR on handedness. Because I now consider myself a friend of yours (sorry!) I can't really comment on it there, but I can here. It looks good. Keep up the good work. I like the fact about Catholic schools- I work in a Catholic school! Hehe!


HI again,

Post 6


smiley - blush I'm honoured to be considered your friend. I got a message about scouting today. I don't know why that entry has been hidden. I've got another recommended one though. I've added much more to my twins one now.

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