This is the Message Centre for clone333

Re Welcome Message

Post 1

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I am attempting to find out why welcome messages go unreturned, in order to achieve a higher "chat rate" with newcomers to h2g2.

It's a fact that out of 20 welcomes I only ever get 1 or 2 replies, which is a bit soul destroying. I checked your space to find that you have been posting recently even though I sent you a welcome 4 weeks ago. I would appreciate it if you would drop me a line, be honest and frank as to why you didn't reply, if there was somthing in the tone of the message you didn't like - whatever - just tell me!!

Thanks in advance for any comments smiley - smiley

Bassman smiley - cool

Re Welcome Message

Post 2

Line Walker - Keeper Of Negativity

There I was, browsing through conversation threads, when I saw a miffed Bassman demanding answers. smiley - grr

Never mind mate, your sudden pouncing and dragging of individuals into the sun, your smiley demeanour and your HTML help are appreciated from this corner of a darkened room. smiley - ok And I wasn't even offered a doughnut... smiley - cry


Re Welcome Message

Post 3

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Sorry El Dubyah,

I'll get straight on it!!

Bassman smiley - cool

Re Welcome Message

Post 4


he he sorry Bassman, but I never noticed that message... it wasn't on the list to the left... but anyways, I've been playing with this personaly place,. and it got ok...

Re Welcome Message

Post 5


Here I've been lurking for more than a week, waiting for your answer... and then you turn out to be Danish.... der kan man bare se! smiley - biggrin

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