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Post 1


There seems to be a lot in the local news lately about bus accidents.

This entry is a short space in recognition of the Konginkangas disaster and to the families of the young people involved.

It's also a tribute to the 15-year old who prevented the bus in Ostrobotnia from driving into a river.


Post 2


i really should read the news smiley - erm
^. .^
= ' =


Post 3


Ah, well it probably wouldn't have been in the British press.
More of a Finnish thing. smiley - smiley


Post 4


ah yes
you said local news
and i failed to realise i didn't recognise the place names smiley - erm
but the point still stands, i should read the news more...
since when are you in finland??
^. .^
= ' =

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