A Conversation for G.A.S. Headquarters
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GreeboTCat Started conversation Mar 3, 2002
Just add your name in this conversation to join The Greebo Appreciation Society...
Huggles.. Greebs.. xxx
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..Hot.N.Sweet.Princess.. Posted Mar 9, 2002
hello my name is Judy
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GreeboTCat Posted Mar 14, 2002
Hi Judy and Nicola... welcome to The Greebo Appreciation Society... ~grin~ ... Me is Greebo the one you are appreciating... ~bigger grin~
Judy you are member number 108... a true and worthy number...
Nicola you are member number 109... a solid and forthright a number me has yet to see...
Me will be popping over to your homepages with the coding for the Greeblet badge which you can place with pride on your homepage.. if you do so wish... the badge looks better in Goo than Alabaster me afraid... but it can be used in either... ~grin~
Thank you again... and take care...
Greebs.. xxx
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Glitter Girl Posted Mar 18, 2002
Hi Greebs
Can i sign up to get a freebie badge please
I hear you like 's so please accept this box with my compliments
Not that i'm trying to bribe you or anything tee hee
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GreeboTCat Posted Mar 19, 2002
Welcome to GAS Glitter Girl... you are and will forever more be Gas member 110... one of the very finest numbers there ever will be... ~grin~... me will be along shortly to your page and offer you the coding for you Greeblet Badge.... may you wear it with pride...
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ngjames Posted Mar 21, 2002
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GreeboTCat Posted Mar 22, 2002
Hello ngjames... nice to meet you... ~grin~... hmmm... this is the join conversation for the Greebo Appreciation Society... and me is not sure that you have ever heard of me... let alone want to join my fan club...
Me has popped over to your page... and see you joined yesterday... welcome to the Guide... me hopes you are enjoying yourself... ~grin~... No doubt an ACE has already visited your page... and like them... me offers my help to you in getting to know this site you have just joined...
Of course if you want to join my fan club... just tell me so... me is always happy to enlist another convert... ~grin~
Huggles.. Greebs..
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GreeboTCat Posted Apr 2, 2002
Hello again Kitty... nice of you to find my fan club... ~grin~... Thank you for the comments... er.. would you like to join?
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kittykat Posted Apr 2, 2002
ABSOLUTEMENTE! You are indeed the grand, gregarious, great, gracious, gratifying, gleeful, gorgeous, god-like, generous, gentile, and genius GREEBO! A most superb example of felines on this planet
! Are you cloneable?
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Santragenius V Posted Apr 5, 2002
* - thought he'd joined ages ago...*
Dearest Greebo - had I realised that I hadn't joined, I wouldn't have been able to sleep for eons... If it doesn't disqualify to converse with other felines now and again, could I join please?
I even brought a ...!
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kittykat Posted Apr 5, 2002
Hey Greebo - Santragenius sounds like the perfect party cat If you don't want him in your entourage, he's invited to come and visit with me
The world needs fabulous felines!
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GreeboTCat Posted Apr 5, 2002
Welcome kittykat and Santragenius V... me is so happy that you would like to join GAS... one of the first fan pages on h2g2... and most likely the best one with me as its host... ~grin~
kittykat you are hearby given the member number of 111... a very symetrical and pleasing to the eye number you must agree... me hopes you will be as pleased with it... as me was in giving it to you...
Santragenius V... me is proud that you should wish to join GAS... and your member number... you will be happy to know is none other than 112... a simply glorious number and one me has no doubt that you will be proud of... wear it with pride... ~grin~
Me will be poppong over to your home pages shortly... bearing your Greeblet badge... which you can proudly display on your very own home pages...
Hugs and kisses Greebs... xxx
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kittykat Posted Apr 5, 2002
I thank from the humble chambers of my heart my dear Greebo! Me likes the number 111 - 'tis exceptionally lucky!
And lately, I've been needing all the luck I can get
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GreeboTCat Posted Apr 5, 2002
Tis totally my pleasure... young kitty... ~grin~
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Fadookie the Froody- Veggie Poetry@A2248733 Posted Apr 13, 2002
Fadookie appears in a flash of light and smoke
After a glance, fadookie knows this is the real thing. This is it. This is heaven.
He very carefully sits down on a large chair shaped like a .
"This can't be!" Fadookie has found paradise. A world where people like s as much as he does.
He must get in. He bursts into song:
"And this is my quest!
For donuts I lust!
I'll just do my best,
To gain evereyone's trust..."
please, let me acheive paradise! Let me join!
---Fadkie the Fr
dy (The Shah of Great Boo-hally, Vice Chairman of Vice and Strife, Coveter of Llamas, Head Donut Gopher, Thingite, Newbie Extrordinairre)
Key: Complain about this post
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- 1: GreeboTCat (Mar 3, 2002)
- 2: ..Hot.N.Sweet.Princess.. (Mar 9, 2002)
- 3: TWITCHER (Mar 14, 2002)
- 4: GreeboTCat (Mar 14, 2002)
- 5: Glitter Girl (Mar 18, 2002)
- 6: GreeboTCat (Mar 19, 2002)
- 7: ngjames (Mar 21, 2002)
- 8: GreeboTCat (Mar 22, 2002)
- 9: kittykat (Mar 31, 2002)
- 10: GreeboTCat (Apr 2, 2002)
- 11: kittykat (Apr 2, 2002)
- 12: Santragenius V (Apr 5, 2002)
- 13: kittykat (Apr 5, 2002)
- 14: Santragenius V (Apr 5, 2002)
- 15: GreeboTCat (Apr 5, 2002)
- 16: kittykat (Apr 5, 2002)
- 17: kittykat (Apr 5, 2002)
- 18: GreeboTCat (Apr 5, 2002)
- 19: kittykat (Apr 5, 2002)
- 20: Fadookie the Froody- Veggie Poetry@A2248733 (Apr 13, 2002)
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