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Post 1

Faegan's Girl - a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

I just had a conversation with a friend that I haven't talked to in almost a year. One of those wonderful people who you spend a few moments of your life very close to, and then move on in your separate paths to vastly different places in your own personal journeys. But then you keep talking to each other, sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little, but when you really need them, they are there to remind you of who you were, and who you are. The kind of person who can drag you screaming back to reality when you need it, and be there to make it just a little easier to deal with. The kind of person that makes it worth being here and doing all this....stuff. The kind of person who makes the world beautiful, and makes you thankful for such a wonderful friendship. The kind that will never really die. There aren't many of them, but they are a few people worth more to me than anything. So thank you, you know who you are. I wouldn't want to have to do this without you. Know that you are not taken for granted. smiley - hug

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