This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Across the hall from Afgncaap5's room, Michelle prepares room 002 for Garius Lupus, Affy's assistant. Mr. Lupus also gives Michelle a feeling of excitement. Seeing him among the guests sent chills up the maid's spine.

GL's room is similar to Affy's, but his room is predominantly indigo, though the bed is orange. It's a bit unsettling, the colours, but it can be dealt with. Standing in the doorway, one is in the northwest corner of the room. Against the west wall is the bed and a bedstand, equipped with Gideon's Bible (all hotel rooms should have one). Above the bed is a painting of a man standing in front of a gallows. It's a bit creepy, really. Against the South Wall is a bookshelf that contains scientific manuals and fantasy adventure books, mingled with some classic literature and one or two mystery novels. Against the East wall is a desk, upon which is a pad of blotting paper, Illusion Hall stationary and envelopes, and a quill pen with ink. In the southeast corner is a door leading to a WC that GL shares with his next door neighbor, Yowzupman. Against GL's North wall is pedistal, upon which a bust of, one can only assume, Lord Reflection is sitting.*

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 2

Garius Lupus

*Opens the door and stops in the doorway. Carefully looks around before entering and closing the door. Thoroughly searches the room but finds nothing unusual. Checks the bathroom with a similar result. Exits.*

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 3

Garius Lupus

*Comes back in, wondering if there might be some way to interact with his surroundings. Looks under bed. Moves painting. Pulls various books off of shelf. Examines writing paper. Examines bible. Waits to see if any of this has any effect.*

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 4

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*In the Bible every time the word "fish" appears it has been underlined in red ink. Which books did Garius attempt to move from the shelf?*

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 5

Garius Lupus

*Thinks back to which books he moved. Hmmmm. The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Lord of the Rings. Astrophysics for Dummies. The man in the iron mask. Wuthering Heights. The Hardy Boys - house on the cliff. One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.*

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 6

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*On removing the book "One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish" the book case slides into the wall, revealing a secret room. Inside that room is a table upon which sit a lenght of rope tied in a noose, a pair of gloves, and a letter:

Minos Krymla has put us all in danger! He must be stopped. Wait for him to enter his room alone. After a while, follow him in, gain his confidence, and strangle him. Get out of the room and allow someone else to find the body.

Lord Reflection

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 7

Garius Lupus

*Reads letter. After the first shock wears off, decides that it is probably part of the game and decides to attempt what the letter describes. Conceals the noose under his suit jacket and pockets the gloves. Exits the secret room and closes the bookcase door. Exits his room and heads to the sitting room.*

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 8

Garius Lupus

*Decides enough time has gone by and heads to the sitting room.*

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 9

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*The bookcase opens and an android, looking exactly like Garius Lupus, enters, and stops. He has a note attached to him. The note reads like this:

I'm afraid that your life is in grave danger. Minos had powerful allies. Your best hope is to step into the secret room (you know the way) and control this android from there. There are TV monitors in that room which should enable you to see through the android's eyes.

--A friend

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 10

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

[Nothing more seems to happen. Mew is obviously not here.]

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 11

Garius Lupus

*Enters room and finds note.*

Hmmmm. Guess I'm next on the hit list.

*Chuckles to himself. Opens the secret door, enters the secret room and closes the door. Sits down at the controls and begins to "play" with the android. Makes android walk around the room. Makes android jump. Makes android pick nose. Laughs. Thinks for a minute, then makes android stand on head in a corner of the room, with eyes closed.*

That should make my murder interesting.

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 12

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

smiley - magic

[Even though something obviously teleported in, nothing seems to be where it teleported. It senses that the GL it is looking at is just an android, deduces the nature of this plot, shoots the android GL to death with a poisoned dart, and goes about its business, teleporting away.]

smiley - magic

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 13

Garius Lupus

*The poisoned dart embeds itself in GL's neck, near the floor. Sparks fly as various circuits short out. The android, still on its head in a corner, seems to slump a little.

Meanwhile, in the secret room, GL sighs.*

Well, it was fun while it lasted. I'm going to have to make another of these android things when I get back to CLI. They sure are fun.

Garius Lupus' Guest Room

Post 14

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Garius the Robot is dead. Garius the researcher can continue his adventures in this thread: *

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