This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Special Delivery

Post 1

Garius Lupus

*The CLI UFO lands just outside the front door. A small purple robot gets out and lifts a crate out of the UFO. He tucks it under one arm and walks up to the door.*

Bing Bong

*He puts the crate down and waits for someone to answer the door.*

Special Delivery

Post 2

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*The Butler answers the door*

Ah, this must be the master's order. Thank you, it looks.. a tad small, actually. Well, what is the tab?

Special Delivery

Post 3

Garius Lupus

*Ampton answers*

The bill is in the envelope stuck to the side of the crate. I checked it on the way here and it says that this shipment is only the rush part of the order. The rest will come as soon as it is ready. No payment is required until the complete order is filled, however tips are welcome anytime.

*Ampton casually puts out his hand*

Special Delivery

Post 4

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*The butler signs for the order and hands Ampton a Doughnut*

Special Delivery

Post 5

Garius Lupus

*The CLI UFO flys up again. This time Chesworth gets out and walks to the door. He rings the doorbell.*

tsing tsing, tsing tsing.

*Chesworth looks surprised at the sound of a bicycle bell, but shrugs and waits.*

Special Delivery

Post 6

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Stavro arrives at the door, opens it, and sees the delivery.*

Do I need to sign for this? What's the charge?

Special Delivery

Post 7

Garius Lupus

*Chesworth unloads the 12 crates, then presents a clipboard to Stavro.*

Just sign here. The bill will be sent out at the end of the month.

Special Delivery

Post 8

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

~signs, and several of his fellow servants move the crates into the entry way, and dissappear somewhere...~

Special Delivery

Post 9

Garius Lupus

*Chesworth climbs aboard the UFO and flys off*

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