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what we see is an illusion

Post 1

Researcher 237805

why is it that no one till date wants to accept the fact that what we are seeing in deep space and conveying to the rest of the world as new dicoveries, just do not exist. The pictures from the creation of the universe many millions of years back through Divine intervention is now reaching our eyes in minute bits & pieces.What we seem to be watching are events that have already taken place in a time warped section of the universe; the distant stars that we see even with the naked eye are those that once existed and later perished; it takes many millions of years for the first picture of such a star to reach our atmosphere and our eyes and we accept it as if it exists; the second picture of the same star or maybe another of the countless suns which we see or may see in our lifetime will be of a disintegrating star; such a picture of the event will also take many millions of years but we do seem to catch just a few thousand in a century while the time span of even a thousand years will be beyond our grasp to comprehend.Hence, if pictures of such devastating events of the past are reaching us slowly and which are being misconstrued in the present tense, can one imagine what to expect once the massive blast of all the exploding stars ,all part of the #BIG BANG and the CREATION, is heard by earthlings at a predetermined time ordained ONLY by the LORD ALMIGHTY,in the distant future, just like the sound of thunder comes much later than the flash of lightening on a rainy day.This issue has to be taken up seriously & discussed in depth by all the concerned thinkers still around. GOD BLESS. RAZHUM, Essex.UK

what we see is an illusion

Post 2

Edgar's Diary

erm well, yes you have a point. But as The Man (ecco homo, Douglas) once said, we all know what happens if you go round saying 'wouldnt it be great if we were all nice to each other for a change'. You end up with a tree necklace..

I have some theory's about all that if you're interested, tho if you have a traditional take on religion you might be offended. Essentially the core of the message was sound, but it's got twisted down the years (what was it John Lennon said about the Disciples..) for the personal agenda of various powergroups..

Anyway, interesting start point for a debate.

Marc, aka Edgar's Diary

what we see is an illusion

Post 3


RE: [*Why is it that no one till date wants to accept the fact that what we are seeing in deep space and conveying to the rest of the world as new dicoveries, just do not exist.

The pictures from the creation of the universe many millions of years back through Divine intervention is now reaching our eyes in minute bits & pieces. What we seem to be watching are events that have already taken place in a time warped section of the universe; the distant stars that we see even with the naked eye are those that once existed and later perished; it takes many millions of years for the first picture of such a star to reach our atmosphere and our eyes and we accept it as if it exists; the second picture of the same star or maybe another of the countless suns which we see or may see in our lifetime will be of a disintegrating star; such a picture of the event will also take many millions of years but we do seem to catch just a few thousand in a century while the time span of even a thousand years will be beyond our grasp to comprehend.

Hence, if pictures of such devastating events of the past are reaching us slowly and which are being misconstrued in the present tense, can one imagine what to expect once the massive blast of all the exploding stars, all part of the #BIG BANG and the CREATION, is heard by earthlings at a predetermined time ordained ONLY by the LORD ALMIGHTY, in the distant future, just like the sound of thunder comes much later than the flash of lightening on a rainy day.

This issue has to be taken up seriously & discussed in depth by all the concerned thinkers still around. GOD BLESS. RAZHUM, Essex.UK*]
[I broke this up a bit, just to make it easier to read.]
What issue? I'm not sure that you have raised a question to 'discuss'.

Your first point (2 paragraphs), that starlight takes a long time to get here, is not in wide dispute. Most people, if they are in the least bit interested or have a telly, have been exposed to the concept of how immensely old are the images we are seeing.

Your second point (if I may be so bold as to rephrase), that we can expect to feel the massive blast of the big-bang sometime in the future, sounds (sorry) a bit silly. First of all, in the void there is no air (that's why they referred to it as void), so sound cannot travel there. Second, we will never 'feel' the big-bang, because we ARE the big bang (or, at least we represent a small part of it). Thirdly, this generation of stars is not the first generation. Early stars grew old, unstable, and blew up. With succeeding generations of stars, heavier and heavier atoms were formed, resulting in the table of elements mix we see today.

You may want to learn more about physics, or ignore physics and concentrate on creationism. Either one is fine. But, if you want to try and blend the two, perhaps knowing more about both is in order.

And, so, to your last paragraph; why is it that you feel people aren't discussing this? We do it here, often. I talk about it at home, work, and with friends, often. You will find plenty here who are practically incessant talking about it.

Welcome, and have fun.

smiley - towel

what we see is an illusion

Post 4

The Rumpled Academic

I find that people talk about perhaps a little too much... Where is it that you live again?

what we see is an illusion

Post 5


-I live on....eeer....John!Where do we live?
-Oh yeah we live in....where John?
-Around a party at Stockwell,man!!!!!!!
-...We live around,yeah!

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