A Conversation for Reading the Guide

what ever happened

Post 1


to that idea of H2G2 making a Douglas Adams Tribute/ Hitchhiker site? When Douglas passed away and we all sumbitted our favorite quotes, factoids and comments, wasn't there some talk about putting aside a section that was going to be about the radio show and such?

Perhaps I my have imagined it...?

what ever happened

Post 2

Bald Bloke

No it's real smiley - smiley


what ever happened

Post 3

Researcher 178815

Also, http://www.bbc.co.uk/DouglasAdams - though I may be wrong...

what ever happened

Post 4


I belive you are referring to a non BBC page. See entry 20 on the external links pagesmiley - biggrin (see I do use that page)

what ever happened

Post 5


aka knows where the external links page is. for those who don't it is located at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A626979

what ever happened

Post 6


Oh god im so depressed I dont know why I bother these days. I mean towel flicking has lost its appetite and Adams is finally cheering me up so what am I complaining about?

what ever happened

Post 7


For those who don't know A626979 has been replaced.
the backup page for external links is A731341

I'd give you a cheerup smiley but I already used minesmiley - winkeye
Here's some good news. We don't have to wait any longer for
"Salmon of a Doubt" by Douglas Adams. It is being released
posthumously this monthsmiley - wowsmiley - biggrin

what ever happened

Post 8


so wut did happen??

what ever happened

Post 9


here is a recap of events related to this thread. Somebody correct me if it contains errors.
Douglas N Adams died suddely at age 49
a memerial tribute was set up at
a resercher (AKA)put it in a links page which was damaged by another researcher(It's a long story)
the page was restored as a backup page by Peta.
meanwhile Adams had a literary agent who used material from the late Author's computer to put together a book which was released under the name The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams. h2g2 named the software which runs many BBC sites DNA in his honor. I called up the message board for tributes on 7 Feb. 2003 and it's still there.

what ever happened

Post 10


DNA said that in the future thngs would run according to his theories. or more properly , predictions that the web/net would be more P2p and interactive- we need to run it before it was run for us- for emphasis-WE would run it. That is the point of this site not a recyclable everpresent "He said" tribute. Not what he would have wanted (a) and not what we would interpret as what to do (b).
We live on, sadly he don't. living (or rather dead) proof that life goes on. Let's try to make something of it -yeah?
Love to you all

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