A Conversation for Late Activated Pages Posted 29th Sept 2000

Guess I'm just being an ACE now...

Post 41

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

And I'm done.
I'd do another, but it's late and I've gotta be up at 7 tomorrow...

Guess I'm just being an ACE now...

Post 42

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

bookmarking for the next list...smiley - fish.oooo

Just an ace taking 5 and 6

Post 43


So many aces, hardly any left to do...

Just an ace taking 10

Post 44


I worried about confusing the other aces....oh what the heck.

Just an ace taking 8

Post 45


I don't care who I confuse...

Is it 7 or 9 left to do?

Post 46


Oh no, I've confused myself now....I know I'll take them both...save all those other aces the bother.

All finished for the aces.

Post 47


Well that tactic of mine, waiting and leaving time for other aces to jump in really work well....
More data please.

All finished for the aces.

Post 48

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hugs androyd*
smiley - fishBookmarkingsmiley - fish

All finished for the aces.

Post 49

Newcomers 2h2g2

Android - Change your name to the Lone Ace - Sorry bad joke.

New list up at

catcha soon
vegimansmiley - smiley

NewUsers Page Test

Post 50


The http://www.h2g2.com/NewUsers Page is now up and running and itwill be even better on the next update but to check if there have been any missed by the new system if you could check
http://www.h2g2.com/A479414 newcomers list and login to the forum at the foot of this page and report back if you found any newcomers who may have been missed, I would appreciate it.

PS Latest list of Late activated pages can be found at
vegiman smiley - smiley

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More Conversations for Late Activated Pages Posted 29th Sept 2000

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