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I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 1

You can call me TC

When we were younger and the kids were still at home and needed to be occupied at the weekends, we did what many German families do - we went for walks/hikes/rambles in the woods.

My husband had always done this himself as a kid and knows the woods around here like the back of his hand. Many of the forest stretches bring back memories of his childhood to him because he often spent his holidays with his parents in the huts which are still mostly all there - nowadays with electricity and hot and cold running water.

When he was old enough not to have to go on holidays with his parents, he would cycle over and visit them on Sundays, which meant many kilometres up and down meandering mountain roads. (The highest hills are not much more than 600 m, so "mountain" might be considered an exaggeration.)

smiley - popcorn

Last year we went on a partly organised walking holiday in the French Alps and I discovered to my chagrin that I was no longer very fit and hardly even managed the beginners' walks. Despite my good intentions, somehow last autumn came and went and we never really got out for walking or even for a little stroll, but this year we have made a firm resolution to try a little walk every Sunday - hopefully increasing in length so that by the Spring I'll be fit enough to stride across Dartmoor with Skankrych. I chickened out of the meet there this spring because I didn't want to hold the others back.

The Forest here in the Palatinate is a web of well-signposted footpaths with many intriguing sights to see along the way - for example the area is liberally dotted with fortresses - all made of the local red sandstone. Some are ruins, some have been reconstructed and some have been put to other uses. There are numerous huts which serve food and drinks (simple and cheap, usually served by volunteers).

You could drive to a different point in the woods every weekend in the year for years without repeating yourself and even then, there are half a dozen different walks to do from each starting point.

I am going to keep a diary and will post a link to the first entries this evening.

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 2


Good for you. I need to walk more. I twisted my ankle stepping off a curb a year ago, and have hardly gone on more than a half dozen short walks since then.

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 3

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - goodluck I wish you all the very best, and look forward to the Journal. I, too, have decided to be a little more active... Not quite to your regime, but spent the last three days (excluding Wednesday) wandering around Kew Gardens with my camera.

I've covered around two thirds now. Another two days to go, hopefully, weather permitting... And no steps! smiley - wah

I wish the sun in your face, the wind at your back, and a nice warm fire to return to... smiley - hug

smiley - cheers

smiley - alesmiley - coffee and/or <stiffdrink as you prefer.


smiley - whistle

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Brill! TC,smiley - cool

And keeping a diary too - I tend to start off all enthusiastic and then run out of steam. smiley - smiley

I took little smiley - fish to one of the ancient woodlands near here and he learned how to recognise 8 trees by their leaves, and we collected them, took them home and pressed them. Not nearly as worthy as walking as you're doing, but by our standards a big leap. I've not had much success interesting him in going for walks, but this time, with a checklist in hand, he got really interested.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 5

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - sorry TC, really crass and very rude of me to put that link in... smiley - sadface

Haven't a clue what I was thinking! smiley - huh

Please ignore it and delete it if possible... this is your Journal, and I've hijacked it. smiley - pirate

smiley - sorry

Put it down to a smiley - senior moment!

smiley - blue


smiley - whistle

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 6

You can call me TC

How about if I just don't click on the link, MMF smiley - biggrin

I'm having a smiley - senior moment right now - I just opened an empty document to write something and have completely forgotten what I was going to write!. smiley - doh

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 7

You can call me TC

Anyway, the first two reports are written, I've just got to put the GuideML tags in and then I can post them. And tomorrow's Sunday again!

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 8


Loved the photos MMF. You are so lucky to be able to go somewhere like that. I took a walk today too, for a change and have put some of the photos on my flicker site:

I should have gone in the morning, but was too busy. By the afternoon the sun was in the wrong place for photos, but it was a nice breather for a change.

Websailor smiley - dragon

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 9

You can call me TC

Now you've got me intrigued! - Had a look at MMF's pictures after all. They're lovely. You are so lucky to be so near that (except for having to pay to get in!)

Yesterday I had such a nauseous headache that I didn't feel up to going out although it was a glorious autumn day again.

We went to the next village, because the chemist there had emergency servĂ­ce so I got myself some painkillers and we went for a 30 minute stroll in the woods there. We have been very stupid and so far have forgotten the camera every time we've been out.

The weather is supposed to be turning wintery tomorrow - wonder what it'll be like next weekend??

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 10


I love the idea of walking, and one day....

(no, not because I am to lazy, which I am, but because to get to a nice are to walk, and do more than an hour or so, means to have to pay for the transport, and for the places I'd really love to go to I would have to stay overnight as well.... - but one day, I will be able to do so)

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking

Post 11

You can call me TC

Right - I've written up my diary so far. It looks as though we won't be doing much this weekend - I have so much to do at home, and the weather's not going to be so nice. There is one outing to a museum we might do though, so watch this space, it's a real humdinger, and right on our doorstep!


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