This is the Message Centre for Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron


Post 1


hey two bit
i have moved that article from peer review two my journal at my personal space. now i don't meen to be foreward, but you said you were atheist, right? now i don't know much about it because i've neve had the intrist to ask, but i have one question. what do you beleive happens to someone after they pass away?
i don't mean to offend you in any way.
thanks smiley - cool


Post 2

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

Like I said, I doubt you'll ever offend me. I'm far more likely to offend someone inadvertantly than some is to offend me. Conservatives almost never offend me. I think some things that conservatives do are dumb, but rarely offenseive. The only exception to this is when people question my patriotism because I'm not a christian. I recall one instance where a person forwarded me an e-mail that implied that non-christians weren't patriotic, and that a lack of faith somehow caused 9/11. I replied to all (because I wanted all of this person's friends to know that they were close to an athiest and a patriot) with a message meant to belittle the ideas of the idiot who wrote the piece and his prejudices and bigotry. I'm still pretty close to my mother though. I forgave her for sending that crap to me.

Some liberal and pacisfist ideas are offensive, but I'm pretty tolerant.

I don't know to a person after they die. I don't really care all that much. I intend to avoid finding out the answer to that question.


Post 3


thank you for your informaton two bit, but how do plan to keep from dying?


Post 4

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

I don't really have much of a plan. I don't think about it that much. Mostly, I wear body armor on the job. I don't go places that I shouldn't. I'm generally the most armed person in the room whther on duty or off. I need to get in better shape, so that my body doesn't betray me.

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