This is the Message Centre for Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

Could use a bit of help

Post 1


Howdy.. you left me a (very informative) note about my M-16 article, specificly about its history. As I am not able to modify the entry anymore due to time constraints, and it has been selected by a scout, I was hoping you could touch up the original with some of your notes (and ones posted by other people). If you have time and are interested, drop me a line to [email protected] -- Thanks in advance

Could use a bit of help

Post 2

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

I have the same problem. I have one that's been selected that could really use some more work. I once heard George Lucas say that there's no such thing as a finsihed film, only one that the editors got tired of working on.

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